Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Podcast - an update on me

 I recorded and uploaded an audio update to let my friends and family know how I am doing at the end of the quarter. I have learned a lot in the last 12 weeks. It has been fun, but I am looking forward to taking a short break! :)

I had wanted to include a cat sound effect, but neither of the cats felt like cooperating! I guess that should not be a surprise since cats like to do exactly as they please rather than act according to human prompting! I had to settle for using my phone for the sound effect. I also discovered that 15 - 30 seconds is pretty short. The first recording I was pleased with was 59 seconds, so I had to pare my message a bit!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Cat Blogging!

Welcome to Jessica's COIN 63 Blog! In honor of Friday I will start this blog with a traditional "Friday Cat Blogging" post :-)

Here's a picture of my little angels (most of the time anyway!), Princess Leia and Samwise.